Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

say hello to my tri-color marble kitten..

1month old..
marble mix dsh..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

EXAM lalalala..

Got exam this wednesday n i hav'nt prepared anything..
not in the mood to study and hav no feelings at all to do this exam..
portfolio management is not that actually..
maybe because now is a school holidays so that i rasa malas...

aiyak how la this..
help me..

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Management satu company kt subang jaya yg service macam taik..!!

  1. Kenapa ada sestengah kedai or services yg suka sgt pursuade org cara paksa supaya kita join program dorang..???
  2. n if org interested pun kenapa customer diberi charge yg berlainan walaupun service yg dpt tu sama??ade dpt 100,90 n 150...x rasa mcm taik n x adil ker??
  3. the staff plak buat muka mcm keje xbergaji,lgsg xmau senyum...xmau senyum ok lgi ni siap boleh jeling lagi kt cerita pasal company yg besar ni yg provide services to a lots of people nowadays,..kalau ye pun tension xpayah le jeling kt customer kan..
  4. Lagi satu,,staff ckp keling...mula2 ckp A lepas tu bila tanya staff lain ckp B mana satu yg customer nak ikut??pastu salah kan kita plak bila kita complaint..bukan ke complaint tu bgz utk company tu meng-improvekan quality services dorang??
  5. And how come kita dah byr dorang ckp kita x byr lagi?? boleh ke tersilap record payment org..?? sgt inefficient la the stupid and act like they know everything...dorang fikir dorang yg btol and customer salah..skang salah kita juga lagi n kita kena byr extra disebabkan dorang punya kesilapan...they said that yg kita yg lupa byr..konon kita ni bodoh xkira n xingat kita dah byr ke blum...
  6. So company yg rasa dorang x cukup efficient in their management and staff cepat2 la baca buku and hantar la staff yg bodonh2 tu pi training,..jgn la tunjuk sgt kebodohan tu dpn staff and jgn la berlagak..setakat keje kt front desk (bkn hotel) tu je sama je mcm jaga pintu..lulusan spm je pun jgn la nak berlagak ngan cust yg dr pelbagai jenis manusia..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

new kitten in da hous..

the name is "blue" or bilue dr apa yg bina my lil sis sebut..
dtg nya dr my mother's fren yg sayang sgt kucing..
dia jantan partner baru gugu..
hehe..gugu pun suka sgt sampai asyik peluk jer bilue ni..heheh

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GUgu dah gemok..

Cinta GUGU

gugu ikut bf dia balik umah..adui..
ni la bf gugu yg kureng encom

adegan xxx mereka..kissing la pulak..adui

Ni la gambar gugu bergatal ngan kucing lain..nampaknya gugu dah pandai nak bcinta la plk..boleh2 dia ikut kucing tu balik rumah..ish ish ish..gugu gugu...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Five Main Causes Of Stress Among University Students

Stress is a necessary thing in human beings' lives because stress adds flavor, challenge and opportunity to our world. It is also a part of every student's daily life. In the right dose, stress can be healthy, or even enjoyable. However, it provides many benefits, it can be very damaging for students when stress becomes excessive. It can harm students' health, happiness, work performance, relationships and personal development. To avoid the undesirable disadvantages of stress, students should consider the causes of stress important as it help students make plan to reduce it. The five main causes of stress among university students are the new university environment, the new relationships, the competitive circumstances and exams, a lack of proper time-management techniques and parental pressure. The first cause of stress for university students is the new university environment itself. Human emotion and behaviour are influenced by the surrounding. Change of social circumstances can make the university students stress. If they go to university straight out of high school, they face the difficult chal

Friday, February 27, 2009


Say hello to my little GUGU..
she is cute kan?
I took her last 2weeks from a veterinar clinic at taipan, subang jaya..
she's very hyper and love to gigit my finger..
i dont know how old is she now but estimately maybe around 2-3 month..
she ate so much everyday and berak pun byk juga..
my little gugu sgt2 manja becoz dia mesti panggil2 kalau dia xnampak i..
and then if i ask her to come down dr tingkat atas, dia pandai turun slow2 just to be with me..everydays she yowls at me asking to play..and bila main2 ngan dia mesti dia lompat atas riba and look at me..i dunno why..
she's really cute..n i love her!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

taking pictures??

visit my family homepage

those yang suke ngan gambar2 permandangan and tmpt2 yang best leh la dtg sini tuk tgk2 gambar..

kami dah melawat merata-rata dah..n ada byk juga lg gambar yg x dimasukkan lg..

yg suka dgn camera leh la tgk2 dad guna canon 450d so nak tgk quality picture for canon 450d leh la visit this homepage.

Other than that, you guys pun boleh cek2 fotopages org lain..

ada mcm2 jenis gambar and interest oleh org2 kt fotopages tuh..

just click on that url above...leh trus tgk my family punya fotopages!!hehe..

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Do you like bisness??

Bisness..semua org tahu kan apa tu bisness...
irma suka berbisness becoz it is fun..and i dont know y..
hehe..bisness makes my life xbosan and seronok..
ada masa yg dat xlah asyik2 merungut kebosanan..

to those who read this blog..
is there any of you yg penah buat online or offline data entry..
if ada leh x promote skit i??
becoz i am interested in that besides bisness..

kumpul duit ni best..kita leh buat apa yg kita mau buat..
n kita xpayah susah2 nak minta duit kt parents utk kita pegi jalan2..
becoz sumtimes parents xsuka kita jalan2..abiskan duit tgk wayang ant everything..
so..if kita ada duit sendiri xpayah la susah2 kan nak pujuk dorang..

oleh itu..sila la tgk blog saya yang ini
heheh..time kaceh..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Nu Ya..

hahah...dah bulan dua bru nak wish hepi nu ya...
xper la..

2009 bg aku dimulakan dgn kegembiraan bercampur dgn kesedihan yg effect btol dlm diri aku..
hanya tuhan je la yg tahu..
but it's ok..bende dah nak jadi..take it as experience..

2009 kali ni best coz bday aku cantik gitu lorr...
09/09/09 ==> smart x??heheh
harap2 nanti xder bende buruk lagi jd..

Azam?? huhuh...xder azam baru..sambung azam lama..which is pooling funds!!hehe..

Family..?ok..mcm biasa..alhmdullilah..

bF?pun ok jew..hehe...

ok la..i hope everything is going to be great this year!!
happy nu ya!!