Friday, October 8, 2010

Ipad,Epad n Apad..

Wow..byk sangat plak tablet pc skang dlm market..
Ipad dah jatuh merundum apabila android market tercipta..
Android tablet pc yg dicipta oleh google skarang dah ada sampai ker version 2.2 kalau x silap..
and LG skarang ni tgh berbincang dgn google untuk mengupgrade android tablet pc to 3.0..
well slow down LG! belum ramai lagi org aware pasal Ipad which Apple punya product apatah lagi android google's product..

Dalam malaysia ni mungkin agak susah nak cari android tablet pc yg 10inch android 2.2 dgn harga yg berpatutan...mcm mana pun tablet pc jenis android ni boleh dikatakan laju kalau nak dibandingkan dgn OS WinCe (windows). So benda baru mesti harga pun mahal kan...Tablet pc ni menyenangkan lagi kita sebab its light and easy to bring to anywhere..u can bring it like u have ur phone with u everyday...

but if u wanted to buy a tablet pc, makesure it has 3g and can plug in broadband. because some of them is not design for broadband..means u have to find place that got wifi if u want to surf internet..Whatever it is, dont get cheated by the seller, they might install windows processor instead of oso need to learn sumore about this..

of ya..surprisingly...china set already got android tablet pc and it is cheap...RM500 per tablet. thats real cheap..but the functions...we never better buy one thats can give u 100% satisfaction while using it..hehehehe....

till then

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